Imagine working (and living temporarily) on a floating platform in the middle of the ocean, a hundred miles at sea. Now, think about what happens when something breaks down and the nearest hardware store is not just around the corner, but a helicopter ride away. This isn't just a hypothetical scenario for many workers—it's a daily reality. Modular structures are routinely deployed to remote locations where quick, reliable access to spare parts is, in most cases, not an option. This is why having a planned inventory of spare parts is essential.

As a provider of accommodation modules and technical buildings to projects in remote locations across the globe, Armoda has worked closely with its customers to optimize their onsite inventories with necessary spare parts. This article will cover spare parts and the two categories they are broken into. We will also cover the most common service needs and the spare parts that should be kept on location to address them.

Two Categories of Spare Parts

Spare parts are typically interchangeable parts kept in an inventory and used to repair or replace failed units. For accommodation modules and technical buildings, the importance of maintaining a comprehensive spare parts inventory is amplified because of the unique challenges brought by working in remote or offshore locations. With no nearby hardware supply stores, a proactive approach to inventory management is required.

In such isolated locations, when a needed part is inaccessible, the result could be significant operational delays, as supply deliveries are often subject to set schedules, with days to weeks passing between deliveries. A well-stocked supply of spare parts on-site ensures that any technical issues can be addressed promptly, with repairs completed in minutes or hours, rather than days or weeks. This level of preparedness is not just a matter of convenience; it is crucial to keeping operations running and minimizing downtime for projects where every minute counts.

Spare parts for offshore modules and technical buildings are divided into operational and critical spares. Understanding the difference between operational and critical spare parts is necessary to ensure the usefulness and safety of a project's inventory management.

Operational Spare Parts: Essential for Seamless Functionality 
Operational spare parts are integral to the functionality of a module, serving as essential components outside of routine maintenance. While not immediately detrimental to safety, environmental standards, or financial stability, their failure can disrupt the project's smooth operation.

Critical Spare Parts: Vital for Safety and Profitability 
Critical spare parts are vital to a project's operational safety and profitability. These components are essential to the operation of the module or building, and their failure could render the units unfit for use, incurring significant expenses and operational delays until replacement is made.

For a deeper dive into operational and critical spare parts, read our post about Operational and Critical Spare Parts for Remote Offshore Modules .

Most Common Service Needs of Accommodation Modules and Technical Buildings

Accommodation modules and technical buildings operate in a range of environmental conditions and could have numerous personnel. While the units at different locations have unique uses, the service needs tend to be similar. Having supplied units to locations around the globe, these are the most common service needs that Armoda has found:

1. Doors on Accommodation Modules and Technical Buildings

As one of the most used parts of the building, door parts experience high wear and will eventually need service to be performed. Keeping a supply of these spare parts related to doors will help ensure that any arising issues can quickly be dealt with.

Door gaskets, categorized as operational spares, are installed on all exterior and select interior doors within accommodation modules and technical buildings. These gaskets are found in interior high-traffic areas such as galleys, diners, and sleepers, enabling movement between modules. Given their constant use and exposure to diverse climates, door gaskets are prone to significant wear, necessitating regular inspection and replacement. 

Door handles, also categorized as an operational spare, are another part often overlooked in a spare parts list. They are needed in accommodation modules and technical buildings, since some units contain as many as eight doors. Handles are highly utilized, leading to wear over time, and can suffer damage from rough or improper use.

2. Lights

Lights, categorized as critical spares, are used throughout all accommodation modules and technical buildings. Examples include individual bunk lights, emergency lights and main room illuminations - a variety of lighting types are integral to the functionality of these spaces. Although Armoda employs LED bulbs for their longevity, the occasional failure is inevitable, necessitating a ready supply of spares.


Accommodation modules and technical buildings are fitted with HVAC systems crucial for occupant safety and comfort. They are also crucial for keeping critical equipment operational by maintaining necessary operational temperatures.

  • Filters, categorized as operational spares, are high-wear parts that need to be replaced at regular intervals. Regular filter replacement from a ready supply ensures system efficiency and extends the system’s operational life.
  • Capacitors and Compressors, categorized as critical spares, should also be kept in inventory, as their wear can lead to system issues. Armoda ensures operational continuity with 100% HVAC redundancy, allowing for uninterrupted service while maintenance is performed.

4. Plumbing

Macerators are categorized as operational spares, but problems with them should be addressed quickly to keep personnel happy. To prevent sanitation issues, keeping spare macerators for accommodation modules with toilets is a proactive measure. These devices play a role in softening and breaking down waste for sewage systems. Blockages and overflows can occur without a functioning macerator, leaving toilets out of service until the issue is fixed.

5. Unique Equipment

Technical buildings are custom solutions that protect a wide variety of equipment. Some examples include modular data centers, electrical houses (e-houses) and remote instrument enclosures (RIE). The spare parts for buildings vary, and Armoda works with customers to determine the appropriate spares for the customer’s modules and utilization.

Working in remote or offshore locations creates unique challenges, making it essential to have a well-stocked inventory of spare parts to address the most common service needs of accommodation modules and technical buildings. Armoda has the experience and expertise to help our customers optimize their inventories and keep their operations running smoothly. If you have any questions or want to learn more, contact Armoda today.