For the last decade and across many industries, the need to power larger volumes of equipment and data has grown. Existing structures need to support more equipment than their current distribution systems can handle, while remote locations demand ever-increasing support for their electrical demands. Technical buildings known as electrical houses, commonly called e-houses, were introduced to address these demands.

Armoda is an industry leader in the construction and deployment of technical buildings. We've previously written about other types of technical buildings on our blog, but this article specifically breaks down what an electrical house is and its key benefits. 

What is an Electrical House (E-House)?

An electrical house, e-house or electrical equipment house, is a prefabricated technical building designed to house and protect electrical equipment and components necessary for various industrial applications. E-houses typically accommodate low-voltage (LV) and medium-voltage (MV) switchgear, transformers and other equipment for power distribution.

Benefits of Armoda E-House Technical Buildings

Unlike traditional power distribution stations housed in brick-and-mortar facilities or within existing office buildings, Armoda's e-houses are technical buildings constructed as prefabricated units designed to be quickly and easily deployed to meet the demands of a wide range of projects. Each e-house is a self-contained unit housing all the necessary equipment. Its construction is typically based on a standard container module ranging from 20 feet to 40 feet in length or whatever customizable size is required for the project. They can also be custom-fabricated to meet the unique needs of a project. The modular design of the e-house provides it with key benefits over the traditionally built solutions. These include:

Rapid deployment
E-houses are constructed using prefabricated construction methods, allowing quicker turnaround times. The units can also be tested before installation to ensure smooth, fast installation on site.

E-houses can provide all the advantages of traditionally built power distribution solutions at a lower cost.

The container module construction of e-houses allows them to be easily transported. This portability allows them to be deployed at remote locations, where building a traditional building to house power distribution equipment can be cost-prohibitive. It also allows them to move with projects as the need for equipment can change based on the stage of the project and the equipment being utilized.

Additional e-houses can be deployed to a location and connected to meet the organization's or project's demands. If the demand does not warrant an additional e-house, the equipment within the unit can also be upgraded.

Which Industries Utilize Electrical Houses?

Electrical houses are widely used in various industries that require efficient and reliable power distribution and control. Some of the industries that utilize electrical houses are:

E-Houses in the Oil and Gas Industry

Electrical houses are ideal for oil and gas projects like exploration, production and refining. They can provide power and control for pumps, compressors, valves, pipelines, and other equipment. The benefits of a prefabricated technical building appeal to the oil and gas industry as the e-houses are often deployed to remote locations both offshore and on land.

Electrical Houses in Mining

Electrical houses are used in mining operations, such as extraction and processing. They supply power and control for crushers, conveyors, mills, and other equipment. Like the oil and gas industry, the mining industry often operates in remote locations that benefit from the advantages of prefabricated technical buildings.

E-Houses in Renewable Energy

Electrical houses are suitable for renewable energy projects like wind, solar, hydro, and biomass. They connect and integrate the power generation sources with the grid, providing protection and control for the inverters, transformers, and other equipment.

Industrial Applications of Electrical Houses

Electrical houses benefit industrial applications, such as manufacturing, food and beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical. They can distribute and control power for motors, drives, machines, and other equipment. They are often used to help with expansions to provide adequate power distribution.

Electrical houses provide a unique housing solution and protect critical electrical infrastructure in industrial settings, offering benefits such as rapid deployment, expandability, and portability in a cost-efficient package. They are useful for projects in areas with difficult access and harsh environments. If you want an electrical house for your next project, contact Armoda today. As a leader in manufacturing technical buildings, Armoda has the engineering, design, and manufacturing expertise to provide the right e-house for your project’s requirements.