Working in the Offshore Oil and Gas industry requires a working knowledge of many different industry-specific terms. Gaining this knowledge can take some time if you are not regularly interacting with a specific piece of equipment, installation type, or classification society. To help jump-start your learning curve, Armoda has put together a list of 43 Offshore Oil and Gas terms that you should know.
- A60 - A60 is a fire safety rating. The A60 fire rating certifies that a module or piece of equipment can keep the side not exposed to the fire at or below an average temperature of 140°. A60 is often required for offshore modules.
- ABS - American Bureau of Shipping is a classification society for marine and offshore assets. It strives to promote the security of life and property while preserving the natural environment.
- Accommodation Module - Offshore modules constructed to provide sleeping quarters for offshore workers.
- ATEX - Atmosphères Explosibles. ATEX is a safety certification from the European Union for equipment (mainly for electrical equipment) used in hazardous areas.
- CE Marked - Conformitè Europëenne. The CE Mark is the European Union's mandatory conformity marking for regulating the goods sold within the European Economic Area (EEA).
- COI - Certificate of Inspection. The Coast Guard will provide certificates of inspection for vessels or offshore modules after they have been inspected. These certificates are required to be on board while being operated.
- CPFG Control Panel - Combined Pressurization Fire and Gas Control Panel. These panels are used to feed in various detection devices that monitor the conditions of pressurized modules in hazardous areas.
- CSC - Convention for Safe Containers. In 1972, the United Nations and IMO held the International Convention for Safe Containers and adopted requirements for freight containers. Containers that meet these requirements are certified to CSC. These are usually standard 20' and 40' containers utilized for the transportation of goods that can fit on any vessel.
- DNV - DNV, also referred to as DNV GL, stands for the Norwegian classification society Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas. DNV provides certification standards for protecting the life, property, and the environment of offshore facilities, vessels, and the crews under their jurisdiction.
- Drillship - Drillship is a vessel designed with a derrick that sits over a moon pool in its hull that allows the drilling equipment to pass through the hull for drilling in deep waters.
- Flag State - Flag state identifies the nation where the vessel is registered and whose authority and responsibility it is to enforce regulations. This can include inspections, certifications, and other appropriate regulations.
- FP - A fixed platform is a type of offshore platform whose support legs are embedded into the seafloor.
- FPSO - A Floating Production Storage and Offloading unit is a vessel used to produce, process, and store oil.
- HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Buildings that make up the topsides on platforms and equipment like PAMs have their own HVAC systems.
- IECEx - International Electrotechnical Commission System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres. IECEx is an international safety scheme mainly used for electrical equipment in hazardous areas.
- IMO - International Maritime Organization. IMO was formed by the United Nations to be a global standard-setting authority for the safety, security, and environmental performance of international shipping.
- Jackup Rig - A jackup rig is a mobile drilling platform with large retractable legs. The rig is floated to location where the legs are then lowered, lifting the vessel out of the water and providing a stable platform for drilling.
- Lift Pump - Pumps that move wastewater from offshore modules to MSD Units.
- Max Gross Mass - Max gross mass is the combined maximum weight of an offshore container's tare mass and payload.
- MODU - Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit is used to describe a group of self-contained floating drilling machines.
- MSC - Maritime Safety Committee. The MSC is the IMO committee in charge of maritime safety and maritime security, which fall within the scope of IMO's regulatory authority. This includes updating the SOLAS Convention and related codes, such as those covering dangerous goods, life-saving appliances, and fire safety systems.
- MSD Unit - Marine Sanitation Device. MSD is a wastewater treatment unit designed to receive, retain, treat, or discharge sewage, and any process used to treat sewage.
- NDT - Non-Destructive Testing. NDT is highly beneficial in determining the viability of welds without destroying the fabricated equipment. It is usually performed by a third party using a dye penetrant or some other process to determine the quality of a weld and whether or not corrective action needs to occur before painting and completion.
- Office/Workshop Module - Offshore modules that are designed to work in more hazardous areas.
- Offshore Platform - Offshore platforms are offshore assets that consist of a large deck supported by legs or a hull that support equipment and facilities used for offshore drilling.
- OSV – an Offshore Supply Vessel provides support services by transporting goods, supplies, equipment, and crew members to offshore installations.
- Padeyes - Are eyelets, rings, or loops used to connect lifting slings to offshore modules and containers.
- PAM - Portable Accommodation Modules. They are temporary offshore modules that add additional accommodations such as sleeping quarters, galleys, diners, offices, recreation rooms, and more.
- Payload - Payload is the weight of the cargo that is being stored in the offshore container.
- POB - People on Board is often used when discussing the number of personnel on the offshore facility or vessel.
- PSV - Platform Supply Vessel. These are vessels that bring supplies and personnel to offshore platforms.
- Reefer Units - Insulated refrigerated modules designed for the marine environment to store perishable refrigerated and frozen goods and groceries.
- RO Units / Watermakers - Reverse Osmosis units, also called watermakers, utilize seawater to provide fresh potable water to offshore assets.
- Semi-Sub - Semi-Submersible Platform is a term used for platforms that use a submerged hull to provide buoyancy and stability.
- SOLAS - Safety of Life at Sea. The SOLAS convention was established in response to the Titanic sinking. It formed an international treaty to specify the minimum standards for ships' construction, equipment, and operation, compatible with their safety.
- SPAR - SPAR is a type of offshore platform whose deck sits on a single large cylindrical hull moored to the seabed with a series of cables.
- Support Modules - Offshore modules constructed to provide galley, diner, laundry, office, and recreation rooms to offshore assets.
- Tare Mass - Tare mass is the weight of an object, like an offshore container, when it is empty.
- TLP - Tension Leg Platform is an offshore platform whose deck is supported by a hull anchored to the seafloor by multiple tendons.
- TLQ - Temporary Living Quarters. TLQ is used for referencing accommodation modules that are added to vessels or offshore assets.
- Topsides - Topsides refers to the equipment and facilities placed on the deck of offshore platforms above water. They can include the drilling rig, the production facilities, and the accommodations for the crew.
- USCG - United States Coast Guard. The USCG is tasked with enforcing US federal regulations on marine and offshore assets. They work in conjunction with classification societies and also provide supplemental requirements when necessary.
- WPS - Welding Procedure Specification. These are sheets that provide the necessary information to properly and safely weld a piece of equipment.

The Offshore Oil and Gas industry has many industry-specific terms. We hope this list of 43 terms will give newcomers to the industry a head start and serve as a helpful refresher for those with more experience.
Armoda supports the oil and gas industry with onshore and offshore modular buildings, technical buildings, accommodation modules, and service, maintenance, and parts.
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