Portable accommodation modules (PAMs) and single lift modules have become increasingly popular units for supporting offshore industries. Both are used to provide additional accommodations, officing, and workshops to offshore facilities and vessels. Armoda supplies PAMs and single lift modules to offshore projects across the globe. There are both benefits and differences between these module types.

Modular Construction of PAMs and Single Lift Modules

Both portable accommodation modules and single lift modules utilize a modular construction method. This method places the manufacturing of the units at a single facility, and once completed, the unit is transported to the work site for installation. There are notable benefits of this construction method over traditional construction methods. Modular construction provides a cost-effective way to build PAMS and single lift modules:

Reduced Labor Costs - Because the modules are constructed in a controlled shop environment, the total working hours required to build the modules is reduced. Reductions are achieved in a few different ways. The first reduction is that the manufacturer does not have to pay per diem, mileage, or lodging. All of these costs would have to be incurred when constructing offshore. Secondly, modular manufacturers staff a workforce, reducing the need for expensive third-party contractors. Lastly, working in a shop environment provides for processes to be established that lessen the time overall construction time, thereby reducing the cost.

Procurement – The manufacturer procures the materials necessary to construct the modules. Managing the procurement process removes the need for the client to dedicate procurement and logistics personnel. Also, the manufacturer's facility is experienced in building modules have built up a network of suppliers. This allows the manufacturer to more easily procure the items necessary to fabricate the modules, reducing the overall cost of the materials.

Reduced Construction Schedule – In addition to the cost reduction, a short construction schedule is achieved by decreasing man-hours for a project. The shorter construction schedule enables the client to get their modules up and running quicker, allowing the module to be installed quickly and without interruptions.

Portable Accommodation Modules (PAMs) vs Single Lift Modules

Portable Accommodation Modules

Portable accommodation modules, or PAMs, are used throughout the offshore industry to provide additional living/officing space to vessels and facilities. They’re used when more crew members than can be accommodated by the permanent quarters are required. The two most common portable accommodation modules types are sleeping modules and office modules. However, PAMs come in several other types to fit the needs of the projects they are deployed to support.

Individualized Units

Each PAM is a completely individualized unit, so the module is constructed with a singular intended purpose. This can be seen in the various PAMs that Armoda provides, including Sleepers, Galleys, Diners, Rec Rooms, Laundries, Offices, Workshops, and customized units if the project calls for it.

Temporary Accommodations

PAMs are used to add accommodations for projects that require temporary additional personnel. The modules are brought in for the project and are then removed once the project has been completed. They have been used for startup, refurbishment, maintenance, and other projects that often require additional personnel who the permanent accommodations on the facility or vessel can’t support.

Transportation and Installation

PAMs are typically transported from the facility to the dock by truck. Depending on the size of the module, a truck can transport a single larger module (12’ x 24’) or multiple smaller modules (8’ x 20’). Once the modules reach the facility/vessel, they are craned into place. Because PAMs are self-contained individual units, the crane capacity can be lower. This allows PAMs to be utilized in applications that single-lift modules cannot. Installation of PAMs requires that each module be individually tied into the power, pipes, and other hookups. These can either be included in existing services of the facility/vessel or auxiliary equipment brought to support the modules.

Single Lift Modules

Single lift modular packages refer to prefabricated, self-contained units that are readily lifted and installed onto offshore vessels or facilities with a single crane lift. These units are engineered to streamline the installation process, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with offshore deployments. Think of a single lift module as a packaged accommodation unit. 

A single lift module will consist of a steel frame and a pre-engineered module or group of connected modules. The modules within the package can include a wide range of equipment and systems. Examples are living quarters, control rooms, laboratories, and workshops. The single lift module is an ideal way to add more units to a project because it further reduces the installation cost. This is achieved because all individual modules are connected to a steel frame. Then, all the power and utility lines are run.

While portable accommodation modules can and have been used to support larger and longer-term projects, single lift modules are becoming the go-to option for these projects. Projects that require a greater number of accommodations and officing space can benefit from the additional cost savings that the single lift modules provide.

Single lift modules are typically transported by truck from the facility to the dock. The larger nature of these modules means they usually require larger trucks for transportation. Once the module reaches the location, it is craned into place for installation. Since single lift modules are used for larger projects, ensuring the facility/vessel’s crane can support the weight of the full package. If the crane cannot handle the weight, a support crane can be brought in to complete the transfer. Because the individual runs of the sections of the single lift module are run at the facility, the installation offshore is significantly reduced. The hookups are centralized for easier and quicker connection to the facility or provided auxiliary equipment. This additional prep work dramatically reduces the time needed on-site to complete the installation and get the unit in service.

Which Option Is Best: PAM or Single Lift Module? 

Portable accommodation modules and single lift modules are both viable options for adding additional accommodations, officing, and workshops to offshore facilities and vessels. Portable accommodations provide shorter-term and smaller-scope projects with the ability to increase personnel to support various projects. Single lift modules offer an option for larger and long-term offshore projects. Their increased ease of installation and layout customization provide increased space and accommodations for facilities and vessels that need additional personnel. 

To discuss your options for PAM or single lift module, contact us today